the best part about shooting this months fashion story for austin monthly was working with the new photo editor alex ghez. she is a fashionable sexy latina, with great taste. definitely looking forward to working with her again. and im not just brown nosing.
its honorable to be mentioned
i have been receiving a lot of emails congratulateing me for winning honorable mention in the ppa contest. i wanted to say thanks for noticing to all of you. and for those of you who havent noticed, check it out:

a little slice of heaven
i have searched heaven and earth for some sexy lips to photograph, and as if brought down from an angel i meet a girl named heaven with the juiciest lips known to man. it also didnt hurt to have maris calderon magic makeup hands by my side. enjoy. (cheesy pun totally intended)

who needs an ass whuppin'?
this year i decided to get all my junk in order. light a fire under my ass and plow thru my business responsibilities so i could make time to shoot for myself. it only took 3 tv filled weeks to realize i needed to hire some one to kick my ass into gear. I was blessed to find the perfect ass-kicker for the job. Janie Hewson. when ever you need some constructive and tear jerking coaching call her!!!!

just a pleasure to work with
this weekend the representatives at leaf asked me to test their brand new camera and let them know what i think. I THINK IT ROCKS. i also had the privilege to work with two of the most beautiful girls in austin. Ofcourse amazing hair and makeup didnt hurt.

austin glamour
for the fashion issue this month in "austin monthly" we went vintage glamour. check out the october issue for the full story.

this is exactly how it is
a friend of mine passed this along my way. you don't have to look to close to see why.

its a vintage thang
Yikes, 102 degrees and we were melting. I think we shot in about 2 min. so we could get back to some air conditioning. Our poor model was in fall get up too. Here's a little taste.

austin monthly desert shoot location

as soon as the creative director from austin monthly said i wish i had a desert.., i knew where we needed to shoot. some of my dearest friends own a ranch in Georgetown where they dynamite limestone to make gravel and sand and who knows what else. anyway i just went down there last week and im so excited about my next shoot. here are some location stills.

nymph Naha series
a little screen shot of my new naha series, hair by dennis

austin monthly's feb preview

its been awhile since i blogged. i have been working on my new website and retouching for ever. here is a small preview of the style section in the upcoming austin monthly feb issue.